Thursday, February 27, 2020

To be determe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

To be determe - Essay Example There were also news about illegal organ harvesting from prisoners who were executed in China ( Due to this horrific circumstances, organ selling remains to be illegal in the United States as enunciated in the principles written down by Congress in 1984 in the National Organ Transplantation Act that only allows the acquisition of organs through donation (Kass 67) This perspective however is slowly changing considering the issues wrought by the banning of organ sales. In America, an average of 11 people die everyday while waiting for transplant and thousands more are dying and/or already died while waiting for an organ donor (Sally 84). Despite the prohibition of its sale, the black market for organ trade continues to thrive and is even encouraged by the ban to the detriment and peril of its donors. The realization that organ sale cannot be stopped and the widening chasm between the availabe organs and the number of people dying while waiting called for a reconsideration and rethinking of this position (Ritter). Organ trade will continue to exist no matter how strongent its sale is prohibited. Making organ sale illegal will not automatically mean that it will not take place. In fact, this prohibition is the very reason that encouraged the black market to thrive as organ sale is becoming a luxurious business endeavor. This is because supply is being contracted due to the prohibition of its sale while the demand continues to escalate. Making organ sale illegal only makes those who are willing or forced to sell their organs vulnerable with the absense of proper medical care which aggravated the problem further. Prohibition of organ sale also widens the chasm between the unmet need for organ transplant and the available organ. As a result, people die due to the non-availabilit of organ while those who acquired it often do so through illegal means to the detriment

Monday, February 10, 2020

Implement a data warehousing solution alongside the formation of a Assignment

Implement a data warehousing solution alongside the formation of a business analytics - Assignment Example The concept also encompasses multiple other functional aspects such as data mining and process optimization (Kearney, n.d.). Apart from these, the system design of the data warehouse also varies depending on an organization’s functional needs. The detailed elaborations regarding such system variations are discussed in relation to which data warehousing can be performed effectively. Moreover, the present scenario also illustrates the structuring and implementation of a data warehousing solution within Morrison Plc, a leading supermarket chain currently functional within the UK. The company has been performing operations with the intention of meeting the needs of customers in an effective manner. In this regard, the company has adopted and implemented different strategies that are centred on the customers by providing distinctive products that .include food, integration with manufacturing business and craft skills. Subsequently, the company with the aim of attaining a competitiv e position has focused on value and quality of products and/or services provided to the customers (Kimballb, n.d.). The objective also encompasses the formation of a ‘business analytics department’ within the ‘corporate headquarter of Morrisons Plc’. Likewise, the discussion entails an in-depth elaboration of all the potential issues that may emerge during planning, implementation and systematic utilization of the data warehouse system (Kimballb, n.d.). Morrisons Plc was founded during the period of 1899 as a small retail business process within the domestic markets in the UK. However, over time, this brand has projected drastic levels of expansion within its functional structure and thus, has eventually transformed itself as the fourth largest supermarket business within the UK. Morrisons plc currently holds a market share of approximately 11 per cent of the total supermarket retail business of the UK (Wm Morrison