Sunday, December 29, 2019

Chapter Three . Research Methodology. 4.1 Case Study...

CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology 4.1 Case Study Protocol Overview of the Study This case study is primarily aimed at determining the use of public relations in healthcare organization crisis management and the way health care organizations respond to the crisis. This was achieved through the facilitation of procedural data collection from the selected case across the various sources of data available as well as encouraging flexibility throughout the study. 4.2 Research Method The qualitative case study was embraced as the scientific approach. This study was found to be successful through the study. The term ‘crisis case’ refers to ‘an instance of crises and the core of this case study research is to investigate one or more instances of†¦show more content†¦This was also meant to enable comparative analysis of the types of crises affecting these organizations. However, the single case study was primarily selected due to criticalness of the issue and the uniqueness of the case. Special gatekeepers were selected to help in identifying the potential interviewees as well as the relevant documents in the organization for the study. 4.5 The Study Area The location of a study was within the healthcare organization (Orange County) located South Orange, New Jersey. This is because Orange Avenue is at my disposal and it enabled me to have the easy time of access. 4.6 The Study Population This is basically taken as the total number of people, elements or subjects engaged in the study and pose specific and common characteristics within the study area. This research engaged both the organization’s stakeholders totaling to 150 potential participants. 4.7 Sample Size Determination The following were the considerations for sample size determination; The sample size that will reach redundancy or saturation- this simply indicates the maximum number of samples to enable the identification of consistent patterns taking into consideration that the population of the organization was 150 staffs. The other consideration was the largest number of sample to enable effective representation of the variation within the population of the target. This was based onShow MoreRelatedA Wireless Sensor Network ( Wsn )10219 Words   |  41 PagesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, humidity, motion or pollutants and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. The WSN is built of nodes from a few to several hundreds or even thousands, where each node is connected to one (or sometimes several) sensors. Each such sensor networkRead MorePaper13852 Words   |  56 PagesProcesses of a case study methodology for postgraduate research in marketing Chad Perry Processes of a case study methodology 7 85 U n ive rsi ty of Sou the r n Q ueensl a nd, Toowoomba , A ust r a l i a Introduction C a s e s t u d i e s a re f a m i l i a r t o m a rke t i n g e d u c a t o r s a n d t h e i r s t u d e n t s a s a teaching device. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Debate About An American Citizen - 910 Words

Zane Vigil Professor Hoffman English 4/6/15 The Debate You Never Knew About As an American Citizen, we have certain unalienable rights such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion that are so essential to our existence in a world of oppression that they are deeply ingrained into the fabric of our society. They of course come from our great Constitution as does another essential right, The Right To Bear Arms, which translates to, â€Å"the right to self protection†.Thankfully, under the current framework of the law, qualified citizens are allowed to apply for a â€Å"Concealed Carry Weapon (or â€Å"Handgun†) License†, or a â€Å"CCW† as it will be known henceforth. On June 11th, 2003 the first ever application of a concept known as â€Å"Constitutional Carry†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Through out the world, America is known as the home of freedom and the land of opportunity. Many a man, woman, and child holds the hope that one day they too will be able to travel to â€Å"the land of opportunity† and make a better life for themselves. This hope is what gave the founders of this great country the bravery to rise up against their British colonial rulers and the steadfast perseverance to sail into the unknown without a clue what laid ahead. After having firearms and other weapons taken away from them in England by the King’s Men so they could not revolt, it became clear that bearing arms is of vital importance for a free society. So clear in fact that when The Bill Of Rights was written, The Right To Bear Arms became The Second Amendment, just behind The First Amendment: The Freedom Of Speech, Press, and Religion. Originally, Concealed Carry legislation’s purpose was to ban the carrying of concealed weapons (namely handguns) with the reasoning that anyone concealing a handgun is up to no good and wants the element of surprise. Keep in mind that this was back in the day when having a holstered handgun at your hip was a socially acceptable and widespread practice so the need for concealment generally seemed shady. Obviously, most people don’t exactly walk around with handguns holstered at their hips anymore but only over the past 60 years or so

Friday, December 13, 2019

Accounting Information System Free Essays

Here is a proposal for implementation of the plan for school payment to keep the student in school. The students shall be compensated on a monthly basis. They shall be paid 20% every month on successful attendance to the classes and a fine of 5% for failure to attend classes for any given day (Unless authorized by the school principal, for whom it shall not be for indiscipline case(s)). We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now The next 40% of the money shall be paid at the end of every academic year. This is to facilitate the students’ upkeep while out of school as they go on with their research work during the summer holidays. The remaining amount shall be cumulatively paid upon successful completion of the course during the graduation ceremony. This will be a big boost to the students as the total amount will give the student a better start to either start their own jobs or use it to look for employment. The payment shall be authorized by the principal upon confirmation from the class teacher of the attendance of the students. This is better done in public so that all those who do not attend school be ashamed of their acts. The payment shall however be effected by the school Bursar. The monthly payments shall be done by cash while the annual and terminal payments shall be effected by check only. Q3.) I strongly disagree. The cost of employee hiring and training can never be equated to the expected term of service. This is because, the training that the employee undergoes will later be subtracted from the salary and hence there is no sense in it being that it has to be amortized. Some companies use that line of though to harass their employees and to silence them anytime they bring their grievances. Training is good both for the individual as well as the organization but amortization is going way overboard (Romney Steinbart, 2008). How to cite Accounting Information System, Papers Accounting Information System Free Essays Accounting Information System (AIS An  accounting information system  (AIS) is a system of collection, storage and processing of financial and  accounting   data that is used by  decision makers. accounting information system (AIS) consists of: – People – Procedures – Data – Software – Information technology infrastructure What important functions does the AIS perform in an organization? 1. It collects and stores data about activities and transactions. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Information System or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2. It processes data into information that is useful for making decisions. 3. It provides adequate controls to safe-guard the organization’s assets. Uses of (AIS) * Producing External Reports * Supporting Routine Activities * Decision Support * Planning and Control * Implementing Internal Control Producing External Reports Businesses use (AIS) to produce special reports that follow a required structure established by organizations such as (FASB). These reports include financial statements, tax returns, etc Supporting Routine Activities Managers need an (AIS) for handling routine operating activities during the firm’s operating cycle. Computer systems excel at handling repetitive transaction by many accounting software support these routine functions. Decision Support Information is needed for nonroutine decision support at all levels of an organization. Some information are critical for planning, deciding, marketing functions. Planning and Control An information system is required for planning and control activities as well. Historical data can be extracted from the database and used to forecast growth and cash flows. Planners can use data mining to reveal long-term trends and relationships. Implementing Internal Control Internal control includes the policies, procedures, and information system used to protect a company’s assets from loss and to maintain accurate financial data. It is possible to build controls into a computerized accounting information system to help reach these goals. Benefits AIS * Speed The main benefit of information systems in accounting is the speed of processing tasks. Data is entered once and can then be used and reused in compiling reports by literally pressing a button. If a transaction needs correction, it is easily done, with reports generated afterward at speeds never possible with manual accounting systems. * Classification When data is entered in an accounting system, manual or computerized, an accountant needs to classify it in a detailed fashion. For example, a transaction could be a sales revenue or an interest revenue. Using information systems, this classification process is easily accomplished with a drop-down menu from which you choose the proper category. You can also quickly generate reports involving classifications. With a manual system, this process takes much more time. * Safety Once data is entered into a computer, it is safe. The chances of losing data are remote, especially when you perform regular system backups. In manual systems, paper pads can be lost or damaged more easily. You can save data on the Internet, where it will not only be accessible anytime you need it but will also still be secure even if your computer is lost or damaged. One disadvantage of Accounting Information System One disadvantage of Accounting Information System is that this system cannot identify any future loss or wrong transaction entry. As we know that computer is a machine, and it cannot do any activity itself. Therefore, computer cannot give any advice or warning. However, accountants in business are capable to estimate any future loss on the basis of their knowledge and experience. Due to this disadvantage it is important and wise for small and mid-size businesses to have some accountants in their business on permanent basis to avoid future losses. How to cite Accounting Information System, Essay examples