Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Debate About An American Citizen - 910 Words

Zane Vigil Professor Hoffman English 4/6/15 The Debate You Never Knew About As an American Citizen, we have certain unalienable rights such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion that are so essential to our existence in a world of oppression that they are deeply ingrained into the fabric of our society. They of course come from our great Constitution as does another essential right, The Right To Bear Arms, which translates to, â€Å"the right to self protection†.Thankfully, under the current framework of the law, qualified citizens are allowed to apply for a â€Å"Concealed Carry Weapon (or â€Å"Handgun†) License†, or a â€Å"CCW† as it will be known henceforth. On June 11th, 2003 the first ever application of a concept known as â€Å"Constitutional Carry†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦Through out the world, America is known as the home of freedom and the land of opportunity. Many a man, woman, and child holds the hope that one day they too will be able to travel to â€Å"the land of opportunity† and make a better life for themselves. This hope is what gave the founders of this great country the bravery to rise up against their British colonial rulers and the steadfast perseverance to sail into the unknown without a clue what laid ahead. After having firearms and other weapons taken away from them in England by the King’s Men so they could not revolt, it became clear that bearing arms is of vital importance for a free society. So clear in fact that when The Bill Of Rights was written, The Right To Bear Arms became The Second Amendment, just behind The First Amendment: The Freedom Of Speech, Press, and Religion. Originally, Concealed Carry legislation’s purpose was to ban the carrying of concealed weapons (namely handguns) with the reasoning that anyone concealing a handgun is up to no good and wants the element of surprise. Keep in mind that this was back in the day when having a holstered handgun at your hip was a socially acceptable and widespread practice so the need for concealment generally seemed shady. Obviously, most people don’t exactly walk around with handguns holstered at their hips anymore but only over the past 60 years or so

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